Saturday, September 5, 2015

Day -11: So far, so good

We are four days in. Sam has "spiked" a fever a couple of times, but except for that and diaper rash is in good shape and handling things well. The real nastiness and discomfort are likely to begin next week when he starts getting real chemo. (The Alemtuzumab he's getting now is actually immunotherapy, not chemo per se, and it doesn't wreak as much havoc with the body as chemo does.)

I'd planned to describe our routines in some detail, but I feel like I can barely put two words together today. Suffice it to say that life is pretty monotonous--the hospital room is about as comfortable as a waiting room, and only marginally more stimulating. Sam is not allowed to leave the room--can't risk getting him infected through exposure to the outside world--and he's often hooked up to one or more catheters. If he's connected, he can't travel more than six feet from his bed. If he's disconnected he can move about the room. Today when he was unhooked I took him for a walk around the room...over and over and over. Until we were both bored stiff.

Bath time is not Sam's favorite time.

Physical therapy: too much lying around isn't good for a growing boy.

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