Monday, August 17, 2015

Transplant delayed

The donor's not yet available to undergo the procedure, so we're on hold for a couple of weeks. This is disappointing for us--we want to get this damned thing over with--but not necessarily a bad thing. The doctors apparently feel good enough about Sam's current state (and the quality of the donor) that two more weeks at home is worth the wait. So, two more weeks of PICC flushing, squirting meds down Sam's throat, and hoping he doesn't get infected. So far, so good.

Sam is a bit underweight for his age (chemo will do that to a kid, apparently), so the extra time at home gives us more time to fatten him up with the NG tube. At some point we hope to get him to take a bottle again. He took it willingly before and during his first hospital stay, but since we came home last month he's wanted nothing to do with anything but Alyson. He'll need to adapt--once he's back in the hospital and Alyson won't be there to nurse him around the clock, he probably won't be allowed to be fed exclusively through the tube.

Nothing more to report, so here are a few more recent pix.


  1. These photos are so damn cute. He is one happy little dude.

  2. Glad to see such a cute little smiling face! We are thinking of you. Hang in there! Xoxo

  3. Oh my goodness--he is so cute! Don't worry about the bottle. He will take it again. If Mommy's around to offer, he's going to want the real thing. Our boy took a bottle at 8 weeks, then refused it for months before we realized I have to be away from him, out of the house entirely, for at least an hour before he'll acquiesce.

  4. Oh, he looks like such sweet little guy. Go team!!!!!!!!

  5. such smiles--I love it! Sending good thoughts.

  6. He is just flourishing! Being at home agrees with him- praying for additional strength as you all wait. His smile is just the best!
